Molino Pasini (Pasini Mill) is located in Mantova. The Pasinis established their mill over 70 year ago with a dedication to high quality wheat milling. They have focused their business on selecting superior quality wheat and matching the appropriate wheat and milling techniques to produce specific lines of flour aimed at different applications: pizza making, fresh pasta, bread making, and pastries.
Italian milled flour enjoys the world-wide reputation as the very best. Finding Pasini was a revelation on just how high the quality can be. We offer high quality “00” flour for making pizza of different proofing time, specialty flours for pizza, extraordinary flours for fresh pasta, and a variety of flours for pastry and bread.
Molino Pasini uses the brand name “Farina Del Mio Sacco,” which humorously translates to “My Sack of Flour,” but in a whimsical play on words, it is also an Italian idiom meaning My Original Work or Creation: something completely created by me. So, it is completely Pasini’s original creation, and it is your sack of flour.