Italian Tomatoes
Tomatoes grown near Naples in the volcanic soil of the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius are the most famous in the world and, hands-down, make the best sauce for pizza and all kinds of pasta, because of their tart/sweet flavor, firm pulp, and bright red color.
We have invested considerable research to find the best tomatoes from this region, including the famous DOP San Marzano. We have visited the packing plants of several producers and have personally tasted the batches of just-canned tomatoes, selecting the best based on our own taste and the technical specifications for Brix and acid levels.
This fastidious selection has resulted in our offering superb Italian peeled tomatoes for different applications.

Antico Casale Franzese Franzese is packing some of the very best tomatoes in Italy, certainly the best we have tasted. Among Fiore Franzese offerings, his finest is a high Brix (7-7.2) tomato that, in our opinion, is as good as it gets for pizza sauce or any application where you want crudo (raw) tomatoes. These tomatoes are plump and sweet, with just the right tartness, and the purée is thick with no water.

Luigi Vitelli Vitelli Foods has been operating continuously since 1885 and today is headed by Claudia Vitelli with whom we are proud to have formed a partnership to sell her wonderful tomatoes. Together with her, we visit the packing plant and select the exact batches from the harvest.